Pelatihan Mental Health Dengan Metode Hypnotherapy Untuk Mengatasi Kesulitan Belajar Remaja Di Parit 3 Tembilahan
The increasing learning difficulties in adolescents are a record of solutions from various parties, one of which is teachers, parents and adolescents themselves. Therefore, it is very necessary to solve this problem with effective and fun methods for adolescents, so that adolescents can alleviate the problems of learning difficulties experienced and become more motivated in learning at school. So the application of the Hypnotherapy Method is very appropriate to overcome this problem. This activity was carried out using a conventional method with a brainstorming approach, the participants of this activity were teenagers who lived in RT. 005 Parit 3 Tembilahan, totaling 28 teenagers consisting of 6 men and 22 women, which was also attended by several community leaders. This activity was carried out for 2 days. As for the results of this activity, first participants can reflect on their feelings related to the learning difficulties they experience, then the Hypnotherapy Method is practiced on participants, which gives the result that participants become calmer, less anxious and again motivated in learning can also be calmer in facing problems, especially the learning difficulties experienced. This activity received a positive response from the local community and it was recommended to carry out activities with different themes
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