LITERATURE REVIEW: Efektivitas Alat Peraga Matematika Pada Pembelajaran di Sekolah Menengah
Systematic Literature Review, Alat Peraga, Pembelajaran Matematika, Efektivitas PembelajaranAbstract
This study aims to evaluate the effectiveness of teaching aids in learning mathematics using the systematic literature review (SLR) method. This method involves the systematic collection and analysis of relevant studies. This study sought to answer several 4 key questions. The results of the SLR showed that teaching aids, including physical manipulatives, visuals and interactive technologies, significantly improved students' primary learning of mathematics learning outcomes. The studies reviewed show that 1) teaching aids are used to avoid communication errors, facilitate the learning process, arouse students' interest and motivation, and present abstract mathematical concepts in a concrete form. 2) Teaching aids can be an effective bridge to improve students' understanding and learning outcomes. 3) The importance of concrete experience and active learning in learning mathematics. 4) Teaching aids that are often used in the learning process at secondary school level are boards or cards made of cardboard and polystyrene. These are used to visualise various mathematical concepts such as flat shapes, quadratic equations and trigonometry. It supports project-based and collaborative learning and improves pupils' engagement, understanding and learning outcomes in mathematics. The conclusion of this review confirms the importance of teaching aids in the learning of mathematics in secondary schools.
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